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Option #1

We’re proud to have installed @ripplesuicideprevention browser extension on all [number] of our computers in our efforts to prioritise staff wellbeing and mental health. R;pple recognises if someone searches for phrases related to self-harm or suicide, instead providing signposting to 24/7 free #mentalhealth support.

[point] link to news story

If you or someone you know has been affected by suicide, you are not alone. Ask for help if you need it. Call Samaritans on 116 123, text Shout to 85258, or visit the at any time.

Option #2

Is your organisation doing enough in mental health and suicide prevention?

@Alice Hendy MBE – R;pple Suicide Prevention, has set up a charity in memory of her younger brother, Josh, who she lost to suicide. Alice found that Josh had been researching techniques to take his own life via harmful internet searches.

To ensure more help and support is given to individuals searching for harmful content online, she set up @Ripple Suicide Prevention Charity a digital tool, which if a user searches for harmful content online, they will first be guided through a filter of breathing exercises and then calmly presented mental health services they can access both now and longer term: accompanied with messages of hope and encouragement to keep safe.

To date, R;pple technology has been downloaded over 1,900,000 times, has intercepted more than 46,500 people from harmful online searches and saved 30 people from taking their life.

Join us at [@Company Name] in deploying this life saving tech for your staff. Email for more information and start to prioritise mental health and wellbeing.