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Sample Press Release

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Sample Press release and News Story

[Organisation Name] deploys R;pple in commitment to suicide prevention  

[Organisation Name] has installed R;pple across all its computer networks, strengthening its commitment to suicide prevention.

All [staff/student] accounts and computers using the [organisations] computer network will be updated with the new browser extension, which will automatically intercept content from harmful searches relating to self-harm and suicide.

Upon searching for harmful content, the user will be automatically directed to R;pple, where they will be offered support and provided with mental health resources. R;pple, founded by Alice Hendy after losing her sibling, Josh, to suicide at 21 years old. Josh had been researching techniques to take his own life through harmful internet searches.

[Stakeholder] at [Organisation Name] said:  

“We have taken an important step forward in introducing R;pple across our computers and networks, by strengthening our work to ensure we are making suicide prevention a priority.  We are one of the first organisations in the country to introduce R;pple. It will ensure that automatic help and support is given to individuals looking for harmful content online.”

[Stakeholder] at [Organisation Name] said:  

“R;pple provides an innovative and compassionate way of intercepting searches for harmful content, providing people with messages of hope and signposting to services that may be of help.  I am extremely grateful to R;pple for working with us so closely to ensure we are leading implementation of this within the higher education sector.”  

[Organisation name] has already pledged to make preventing suicide a priority, and already implements a variety of mental health support and resources to look after its [staff/students], including mental health disclosure training for frontline staff and mental health advisers.  

Staff with concerns around their wellbeing can seek support through the [organisation specific] service, where each enquiry received is investigated by trained staff and appropriate support provided.  


Notes to editors

For further information, please contact [contact details]

Suicide is the leading cause of death in people under 35 in the UK.

R;pple can be downloaded on Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

For more information and how to install, visit the Ripple Suicide Prevention website.  

If you have been affected by suicide, you are not alone. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, talk to someone, let them know what is going on and ask for help: