All Question Categories
Why Deploy R;pple?
The Technical Components
What Similar Tools Have Existed Previously?
The Security
The Future Development
The Impact of R;pple
The Data Privacy
How to Install R;pple
The Financials
The Communications
How Does R;pple Work?
How to Support R;pple
Our Biggest Challenges
R;pple’s Visual Appearance
R;pple’s Visual Appearance

What reasoning is behind the visual appearance of R;pple?

Menu icon

Why have rounded edges been used?

The R;pple tool has been designed with rounded edges to convey a more friendly appearance based on  academic evidence.

Two studies examined the hypothesis that geometric patterns in the facial expressions of anger and  happiness provide information that permits observers to recognise the meaning of threat and warmth. Results indicated that diagonal and angular patterns convey threat, whereas round patterns convey warmth. In a 2nd study, a set of 3 experiments using models of simple geometric patterns revealed that acute  angles with downward pointing vertices conveyed the meaning of threat and that roundedness conveyed  the meaning of warmth. Human facial features exhibit these same geometric properties in displays of  anger and happiness.

(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

Why does R;pple include a message of hope?

The R;pple tool displays a message of hope at the top of the box stating ‘Everybody is worthy of support’.  The message of hope has been crafted in collaboration with CALM, The Molly Rose Foundation, The OLLIE  Foundation, ASIST Training. A person with thoughts of suicide relate to wording that makes them feel understood. For this reason,  inspirational and positive messages will often miss their mark.

As a result, the chosen message ‘everybody is worthy of support’ has been based upon the academic  evidence of Professor Rory O'Conner Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model (Defeat & Entrapment),  which has been chosen to alleviate a sense of burdensomeness and is also considered to be unambiguous  and clear.

What does the imagery on the tool represent?

The R;pple tool displays a visual image of a person being helped up a mountain with a deliberate theme of nature being chosen.

Guided imagery (GI) has also proven to be effective for reducing anxiety symptoms. Thus, nature-based GI  might help to overcome the limitation of access to nature and strengthen the impact of GI interventions. Further, there is evidence that visual mental imagery and visual perception share similar representations  and are similarly processed (Borst and Kosslyn, 2008).

Boschker et al. (2002) pointed out that in some instances while the processes involved in imagery and  actual experiences are very similar, the neuropsychological data suggests that imagery is not an exact  representation of the real-world experience. Further, in these instances, imagery might actually be more  effective than experiencing the real context because in imagery a participant might not focus on the  unpleasant aspects of the context and instead focus on the most meaningful environmental characteristics.

Why have QR Codes been used?

For the Grassroots, Jacobs One Million Lives, Clic and Hub of Hope ongoing support options, a QR code is  present. This has been included to improve the user journey when online using a laptop or desktop  computer. By simply scanning the QR code with their smart device, the user will be immediately transferred  to the mental health support option.

Can people return to the R;pple tool at a later date?

The R;pple tool features a ‘bookmark’ option to enable users to save the tool contents for later.

Can people exit from R;pple if they don’t wish to utilise the tool?

The R;pple tool features an ‘exit’ option to enable users to close the R;pple tool and continue their search.  This is to ensure that R;pple is not restricting users’ rights and choices relating to their online searches.

Why have the colours been chosen?

The R;pple tool features soft grey and purple coloured imagery and text to align with the R;pple brand.  According to research, soft purple tones have the capacity to bring balance and make users feel inner  peace.

Purple hues are known to signify strength and peace and wisdom. Grey has also been chosen to bring a sense of balance.

As grey is a cool, neutral, and balanced colour, it creates both a solid and stable grounding – perfect to  evoke a sense of calm and composure, and relief from a chaotic world.

What decision process was behind the chosen charities that feature on the R;pple tool?  

Jacobs One Million Lives

The Jacobs One Million Lives tool has been selected to feature on the R;pple tool as an opportunity for  users to take an online check in. The app allows users to take a free check-in to understand how they are  coping and start the journey to better mental health as well as encouraging open conversation about  mental health and knowledge sharing to reduce stigma


Clic has been chosen as an option for users requiring ‘ongoing support’ because it is a forum for users to  connect with likeminded people and is moderated 24/7. An online forum has been included based upon  the research and evidence from Samaritans which states ‘online forums could facilitate peer support with  providers ensuring it is a safe place’.


Grassroots has been selected to feature on the R;pple tool in order to provide a choice of ongoing  assistance for users to receive more long term support. The StayAlive app is a pocket suicide prevention  resource, packed full of useful information to help users stay safe. Users can utilise the app if they are  having thoughts of suicide or if they are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

What decision process was behind the chosen charities that feature on the R;pple tool?


The R;pple tool provides immediate mental health support in the form of Samaritans (helpline), Shout (text service) and CALM (webchat facility).

The presence of these support services have been included based upon research and evidence conducted  by Samaritans, including the following:

Individuals in crisis want clear signposting directing them to immediate support. This information must  be succinct and present easily visible pathways to help.

Online instant messaging and live chat would be beneficial for immediate support.

The presence of immediate support for someone to speak has been given primacy above the offer to  browse to identify and select a preferred support resource.

The R;pple tool continues to lead with an offer of support and provides a phone number for a 24/7  service so that someone struggling to navigate online can speak to someone straight away.


According to the Shout Annual Report in 2020, text messaging has enabled a new and discreet way for  those in need of mental health support to reach out for help. The main reason people contacted Shout was for suicidal thoughts (34% of conversations) 65% of  texters aged under 25 and 7% aged 13 or under showing the importance of text support for a digitally  native demographic. Shout also see particular demographics, including autistic people (7% of texters) and the LGBTQ+  community (35% of texters) overrepresented in Shout usage. Nearly half of the people who texted Shout felt more comfortable texting than talking about private issues


Texting offers them an alternative way to open up and share the problems they haven’t been able to speak  out loud. It also gives people a valuable and lasting record of their action plan that they can return to  whenever they need to, or use as a starting point for a conversation with a parent or GP.


CALM has been selected to appear on the R;pple tool as they provide a free, anonymous webchat facility  for users, and has increased in popularity year on year, and indicating a demand for online chat services. CALM also provides a focus on male mental health. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male.