How the R;pple Tool Helps HR Support Employees with Eating Disorders

Eating disorders affect millions worldwide but remain misunderstood and often stigmatised - both within and outside the workplace.

These serious mental health conditions impact people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds, physically and psychologically, and are linked to increased suicide risk.

The alarming reality:

  • Approximately 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder. 1
  • Around 25% of those affected by an eating disorder are male. 1
  • The mortality rate associated with anorexia nis among the highest of all mental health conditions. 2
  • Compared to the general population, youths and adults with anorexia nervosa are 18 times more likely to die from suicide, and bulimia nervosa patients are 7 times more likely. 3

Eating disorders symptoms and the role of workplaces

Disordered eating behaviours are not a lifestyle choice, but a mental health condition where the control of food is used to cope with difficult situations or feelings. They can range from restricting food intake to binge eating, or engaging in compensatory actions such as excessive exercise or other harmful methods.

Some of the symptoms4 include:

  • spending a lot of time worrying about weight and body shape
  • avoiding socialising when food will be involved
  • eating very little food
  • making oneself sick or taking laxatives after eating
  • exercising too much
  • very strict habits or routines around food
  • changes in mood, such as being withdrawn, anxious or depressed

Workplaces can play a vital role in supporting employees with eating disorders. As a leader, HR professional, or wellbeing champion, you can create an environment that promotes awareness, education, and early intervention, helping employees feel safe and supported no matter what they are going through.

R;pple’s support for eating disorders

R;pple’s digital crisis intervention tool—originally developed to intercept harmful online searches related to suicide—has already been adopted by over 180+ leading organisations, including major corporates, universities, NHS trusts, and county councils.

We’ve now expanded our capabilities to help organisations provide support for eating disorders alongside broader mental health challenges, before they reach crisis point.

If an employee is searching online for harmful content related to eating disorders or suicide, R;pple will intercept the search with a message of hope and will direct them to 24/7 helplines and mental health resources they can access immediately and in the longer term.

A personal perspective:

Katie Maycock, Founder of
Get Your Sh*t Together and R;pple Advisory board member for Eating Disorders, shares her experience:

Speaking as someone who lived with an eating disorder, I know just how isolating and exhausting it can be. And it’s not just the person who is struggling, it’s their friends and family who are desperate to help but can find themselves in a situation not knowing what to say or how to help.  

Although eating disorders are wreaking havoc in society, they’re still so misunderstood. It can be easy to focus on fixing the physical side of an eating disorder and forget about the mental health side.  

It’s truly terrifying seeing what people can access on the internet when it comes to eating disorders and having R;pple there to intervene, is amazing. That’s why I’m extremely proud to be part of R;pple Suicide Prevention as an advisory board member."

A broader commitment to employee mental health

R;pple’s enhanced support for eating disorders is part of the tool’s expansion to intervene with a broad range of mental health conditions and life challenges. Alongside existing interventions for suicide prevention, R;pple now helps workplaces provide support for:

  • Eating disorders
  • Substance misuse
  • Gambling addiction
  • Financial struggles
  • Domestic abuse
  • LGBTQIA+ struggles
  • Divorce andseparation
  • Military to civilian transition and more

By identifying and intercepting harmful searches across these categories, R;pple can connect individuals with critical resources before they reach a crisis point.

Take action today

R;pple’s expanded protection is now available for businesses, educational institutions, and public sector organisations. If you’re an existing customer, you can opt-into this support category cost-free. Contact us to get started or to find out more.

Join us this Eating Disorder Awareness Week in making a difference for those who need it most.

1) Beat Eating Disorders, Eating disorders prevalence in the UK
2) Auger N, Potter B.,
Anorexia nervosa and the long-term risk of mortality in women, World Psychiatry, 2021 
3) Smith AR,Zuromski KL, Dodd DR.
Eating disorders and suicidality, Pubmed, 2017
4) NHS,
Eating Disorders

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How the R;pple Tool Helps HR Support Employees with Eating Disorders


Ross Abbott: Supporting Veterans Through Military to Civilian Transition is a Shared Responsibility


Webinar: Meet R;pple - New Digital Tool for Student Suicide Prevention