Have You Checked in on Your Mental Health? Be Part of the Ripple with Jacobs #WBMHCI

On Sept. 13th Alice Hendy, Founder and CEO of R;pple, took part in a drop-in session for members of parliament hosted by Liz Twist MP to raise awareness about prioritising mental health and resilience. In partnership with Jacobs, R;pple and Make A Difference (MAD) Media, the session cast a light on the tools and resources provided by these organisations.  

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are currently more than 700,000 suicides a year worldwide, and for each suicide there are more than 20 suicide attempts. Every suicide is a tragedy that profoundly affects families, friends, colleagues and communities.  

Although mental health remains one of the leading causes of death and disability across the world, too often in society we fail to address it, talk about it or invest in preventing it.  

This Suicide Prevention Week focuses on encouraging people to talk about mental health and suicide awareness and prevention. It’s an opportunity and reminder for people to hit pause for a moment and come together to check-in on their mental health.

A passionate campaigner on suicide prevention, Liz Twist says, “Every suicide is a tragedy, and most often a complex one with no single cause. However, statistics do show that middle-aged men, particularly those in the construction sector, are some of the most at risk. It was therefore encouraging to see so many colleagues attend the parliamentary drop-in session I hosted this week with Jacobs and charity R;pple and Make A Difference (MAD) to raise awareness during Suicide Prevention Week and learn more about services available to those who are struggling.”

Jacob’s free mental health check-in tool, Jacob's One Million Lives is at the heart of the “World’s Biggest Mental Health Check-inon October 10th 2023– an initiative that promotes action for positive mental health.

Learn why it matters and how to become part of the ripple: Have You Checked in on Your Mental Health?

Jacobs team with Liz Twist and ALICe HENDY
ALICE Hendy and Caroline Dinenage MP

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